Buy Music!
As a Leader
Samuel Prather - A Groove Orchestra Christmas (2015) Piano, Producer
Samuel Prather - Groove Orchestra (2014) Piano, Producer
Samuel Prather - Split Personalities (2006) Piano, Producer
As a Sideman
Afro Blue - That is Love (2017) Drums
Nureya Monroe - Nureya Monroe (2015) Piano, Bass
Olayimika Cole - L'ife (2014) Piano, Keys, Vocals
Afro Blue - Jubilee (2014) Piano
Andaiye - Storyville (2014) Piano
Pete Muldoon Sextet - The Score (2014) Drums
Afro Blue - The Best is Yet to Come (2012) Piano
Free Verse - Wake Up (2010) Piano, Producer
Gigi Allen - I Need You (2011) Piano, Bass
Gigi Allen - I Need You (2011) Piano, Bass
YaMama'Nym - Due Time (2005) Piano
YaMama'Nym - 2:00AM (2003) Piano
Thanks for supporting independent artists. Your purchases are what makes it possible for me to create music. These are some of albums I've played on or produced tracks for. I know all of these artists (myself included) are appreciative of your support. More to come! Enjoy.